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complaints procedure

We aim to provide the highest level of legal services to all of our clients and we trust you will be satisfied with the work that we carry out for you and the service that you receive from us.

You do have the right to complain should you be dissatisfied in any way.

Should a problem or concern arise, it is in the best interest of all involved to resolve these at the earliest opportunity. If something goes wrong or at any point you are unhappy or concerned about the service, then you should speak with the person dealing with your matter to discuss this. They will do their best to resolve the issue in the first instance. If you are unable to resolve the issue then you should follow the next steps below.

  • Formal Complaints
A formal complaint can be made by the method which makes you most comfortable whether that be by telephone, email or letter.
  • Next Steps

1. A complaint is an oral or written expression of dissatisfaction which alleges that the complainant has suffered (or may suffer) financial loss, distress, inconvenience, or detriment.

2. We aim to resolve any complaint you have about the service we have given you as quickly as possible. If you are unable to resolve matters with the person who has been dealing with you, please contact Oliver Saxon or Russell Baughan via the details on our website.

3. Once we have received your complaint, Oliver or Russell will write to you within 7 days to explain how your complaint will be investigated, if a complete response to your complaint has not been made by that time.

You will be told the latest date by which a complete answer will be given to your complaint (this should be not more than 28 days after we received your complaint).

If you have made the complaint verbally – either at a meeting or on the telephone – we will set out in our full response our understanding of the nature of your complaint.

4. The assessment of the complaint will be based upon a sufficient and fair investigation. We will explain in writing our findings and where the complaint is upheld will offer remedial action or redress. This will be actioned promptly. You will be told about the conclusion of this review within 28 days.

  • Legal Ombudsman

If after following the review process you remain dissatisfied with any aspect of our handling of your complaint, you may contact directly the Legal Ombudsman to ask them to consider the complaint further.

Tel no: 0300 555 0333

Email: enquiries@legalombudsman.org.uk

Website: http://www.legalombudsman.org.uk/

Legal Ombudsman PO Box 6806 Wolverhampton WV1 9WJ

Unless it agrees there are good reasons not to do so, the Legal Ombudsman will expect you to allow us to consider and respond to your complaint in accordance with the procedure set out above in the first instance.

You can refer your complaint up to 6 months after you have received our final written response to your complaint.
You can also use the Ombudsman service if we have not resolved your complaint within 8 weeks of us receiving it.

A complaint can be referred to the Legal Ombudsman up to one year from the date of the act or omission or up to one year after discovering a problem.

  • Regulatory Matters

The ombudsman deals with service-related complaints; therefore any conduct related complaints will be referred to the Council for Licensed Conveyancers (CLC).

If you have any concerns about any misconduct or breach of the CLC Code of Conduct by our practice such as taking or losing your money, dishonesty or discrimination, you can also report the matter to our regulatory body, the Council for Licenced Conveyancers.

Their details are:
Council for Licensed Conveyancers
131 Finsbury Pavement

Tel: 020 3859 0904

Email: clc@clc-uk.org

CLC – The Specialist Property Law Regulator (clc-uk.org)

  • CLC Compensation Fund

The CLC administers a Compensation Fund on behalf of the profession.
The purpose of the fund is set out in this Policy Statement – CLC – The Specialist Property Law Regulator (clc-uk.org)

Do I qualify for compensation?

You can apply for compensation if you have suffered an actual loss of money or of monetary value arising out of work for which Tyto Property and Probate Lawyers Limited is legally responsible and if Tyto Property and Probate Lawyers Limited is unable to meet its liability in full.

You can make a claim if you have suffered a loss that was caused by:

  • dishonesty
  • fraud
  • negligence
  • failure to account for money received

Each case is considered on its merits. CLC have absolute discretion to decide whether to make any payment out of the Fund –nobody has a legally enforceable right to a grant.

It is a fund of last resort – before the CLC will accept your claim, they may require you to recover your losses by all other means available, such as by making an insurance claim or by taking court action. The CLC will not consider making a payment unless it is satisfied that a person has taken all necessary and appropriate steps.

How do I apply for compensation?

You should contact the CLC as soon as possible if you:

  • are considering making an application for a grant (applications need to be made within 6 months after you have discovered you may have a claim) or
  • are considering taking legal advice (since only in exceptional circumstances will the CLC make an allowance for legal costs claimed by an applicant)

Application Forms are available by emailing clc@clc-uk.org; or you can call 020 3859 0904.

  • Alternative dispute resolution

Alternative complaints bodies, such as ProMediate (www.promediate.co.uk) exist which are competent to deal with complaints about legal services should both you and our firm wish to use such a scheme

We agree to use ProMediate